Friday, March 25, 2011
Quantum probe beats Heisenberg limit
A group of physicists in Spain has shown how to make a quantum measurement that overcomes a limit related to Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. The researchers confirmed a theoretical prediction of how to beat the Heisenberg limit by using interacting photons to measure atomic spin, and they say that their approach could lead to more sensitive searches for the ripples in space–time known as gravitational waves and perhaps also to improved brain imaging.
The standard limit on the precision with which a quantum measurement can be carried out is due to the statistical error associated with counting discrete particles rather than continuous quantities. So, for example, when measuring the phase difference between the waves sent down two arms of an interferometer, the error in this quantity will scale with the square root of the total number of photons measured, N. Since the signal scales with N, the signal-to-noise ratio also scales in the same way. Or, put another way, the sensitivity of the measurement, which is the minimum signal that can be measured with a given level of noise, will scale with 1/N1/2.
It is possible to improve on this scaling, however, by entangling the photons, because this correlates what would otherwise be independent sources of noise from the individual particles. Such entanglement allows measurements to approach the so-called Heisenberg limit, which means that sensitivity scales with 1/N. Until recently it was thought that this scaling represented an absolute limit on the sensitivity of quantum measurements.
Caught in a trap
However, in 2007 a group led by Carlton Caves at the University of New Mexico in the US predicted that the Heisenberg limit could be beaten by introducing nonlinear interactions between the measuring particles. That prediction has now been shown to be true, thanks to an experiment carried out by Morgan Mitchell and colleagues at the Institute of Photonic Sciences at Barcelona. Mitchell's group fired laser pulses into a sample of ultracold rubidium atoms held in an optical trap and measured how the atoms' spin angular momentum caused the polarization axis of the photons to rotate.
In a linear measurement, each photon would interact separately with the atoms, resulting in a relatively weak signal. But what the researchers did was to carry out nonlinear measurements, ramping up the intensity of the laser pulses enough so that each photon, as well as registering the magnetic state of an atom also altered the electronic structure of that atom. This in turn left its mark on the polarization of the next photon, so amplifying the signal. "We have a signal that is not dependent just on the thing we are aiming at, but also on what we send in," explains team member Mario Napolitano.
According to Napolitano, it wasn't clear that a signal could in practice be amplified in this way because it was reckoned that the nonlinearity would increase the noise as well as the signal. But his team was able to tailor the nonlinearity accordingly, by concentrating the interaction between atoms and photons to a very tiny region of space and by very precisely tuning the frequency of the laser so that it was very well matched to the atoms’ electronic structure. Then by measuring the rotation in the photons' polarization using an interferometer, measuring the noise and measuring the number of photons, then repeating this process for different photon numbers, the researchers were able to show that the sensitivity scales with photon number better than the scaling of the Heisenberg limit. In fact, they achieved a sensitivity that scaled with 1/N3/2.
Clocks and brains could benefit
Napolitano is keen to point out that this result does not imply that the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is wrong, but rather it shows that we do not properly understand how to scale that principle up to multiple-particle systems. He also believes that the work could ultimately have significant practical applications, such as improving atomic clocks, given that such devices rely on interferometers. What's more, several research groups are investigating the possibility of measuring electrical changes in the brain by using light to probe the magnetic properties of atoms placed close to the brain, and the lastest work could enhance this technique.
Jonathan Dowling, a theoretical physicist at Louisiana State University in the US, says that the latest work could also help in the search for gravitational waves. Researchers hope to register gravitational waves' distortion of space time by measuring the difference in path length experienced by laser beams travelling in the two orthogonal pipes of an interferometer. Dowling says that if the American LIGO detector could operate with a sensitivity that scales as 1/N3/2 rather than as 1/N1/2 then either its sensitivity could be greatly increased or its laser power enormously reduced, which would avoid potential heating and deformation of the facilities' optics. "This opens up a whole new ball game in nonlinear interferometry," he adds.
However, Barry Sanders, a quantum physicist at the University of Calgary in Canada, urges caution. "The experiment demonstrates that the Heisenberg limit can be beaten in the real world," he says. "But practical applications are not likely in the near future because of the technical challenges that need to be overcome, especially noise. We are still exploring the basic physics of using quantum resources for precise measurements."
The research is published in Nature.
Gathered by: Sh.Barzanjeh(
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Quantum computers a step closer to reality
Quantum computers:
illustration of this article In recent years, quantum computers have lost some of their lustre. However, a new quantum algorithm, which shows how a quantum computer could be used to simulate a complex system of interacting particles, raises hopes that some of the barriers blocking the wider application of quantum computing could soon be solved.
The study, presented in the journal Nature, was partly supported by the EU through the QUERG ('Quantum entanglement and the renormalization group') and QUEVADIS ('Quantum engineering via dissipation') projects. QUERG clinched more than EUR 1.2 million from the European Research Council (ERC) under the Ideas Programme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), while QUEVADIS has been allocated EUR 10 million under FP7's 'Information and communication technologies' Theme.
Quantum technology exploits the weird properties of matter at extremely small scales. Where a bit in a classical computer can represent either a '1' or a '0,' a quantum bit - or qubit - can represent '1' and '0' at the same time. Two qubits can represent four values simultaneously, three qubits eight, and so on.
Under the right circumstances, performing computations with quantum bits is the equivalent of carrying out multiple classical computations in parallel. But the right circumstances are much rarer than was first anticipated by scientists.
'The original motivation to build a quantum computer came from Richard Feynman, who imagined a machine capable of simulating generic quantum mechanical systems - a task that is believed to be intractable for classical computers,' the researchers write.
Over the past decade, quantum computers with some 12 or 16 qubits have been built in the laboratory; but quantum computation is such a young field, and the physics of it are so counterintuitive, that researchers are still developing the theoretical tools for thinking about it.
To better understand the physics of a quantum system of interacting particles, the researchers, from Austria, Canada and Germany, tried to work out how the changes a quantum system undergoes could be reproduced on a universal quantum computer. To do this, they looked for a quantum version of the classical Metropolis algorithm.
Named after the physicist Nicholas Metropolis, who was part of the group that came up with it, the Metropolis algorithm appeared in 1953 but didn't find practical use until the first computers arrived. The classical version of the Metropolis algorithm used stochastic maps that converged (over many iterations) to the equilibrium state.
For the quantum version of the Metropolis algorithm, the team used completely positive maps of probability amplitudes instead; although this did introduce a few problems along the way, notably the introduction of quantum phase transitions that may lead to inaccurate computations.
Nonetheless, the implementation of the new quantum algorithm could have far-reaching applications in the fields of chemistry, condensed matter and high energy physics, where until today the Schrödinger equation remains unsolved for complex systems of many interacting particles.
'Even though an implementation of this algorithm for full-scale quantum many-body problems may be out of reach with today's technological means, the algorithm is scalable to system sizes that are interesting for actual physical simulations,' claim the researchers.
Document of reference:Temme, K., et al. (2011) Quantum Metropolis sampling. Nature 471: 87-90. DOI: 10.1038/nature09770.
Gathered by: Sh.Barzanjeh(
illustration of this article In recent years, quantum computers have lost some of their lustre. However, a new quantum algorithm, which shows how a quantum computer could be used to simulate a complex system of interacting particles, raises hopes that some of the barriers blocking the wider application of quantum computing could soon be solved.
The study, presented in the journal Nature, was partly supported by the EU through the QUERG ('Quantum entanglement and the renormalization group') and QUEVADIS ('Quantum engineering via dissipation') projects. QUERG clinched more than EUR 1.2 million from the European Research Council (ERC) under the Ideas Programme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), while QUEVADIS has been allocated EUR 10 million under FP7's 'Information and communication technologies' Theme.
Quantum technology exploits the weird properties of matter at extremely small scales. Where a bit in a classical computer can represent either a '1' or a '0,' a quantum bit - or qubit - can represent '1' and '0' at the same time. Two qubits can represent four values simultaneously, three qubits eight, and so on.
Under the right circumstances, performing computations with quantum bits is the equivalent of carrying out multiple classical computations in parallel. But the right circumstances are much rarer than was first anticipated by scientists.
'The original motivation to build a quantum computer came from Richard Feynman, who imagined a machine capable of simulating generic quantum mechanical systems - a task that is believed to be intractable for classical computers,' the researchers write.
Over the past decade, quantum computers with some 12 or 16 qubits have been built in the laboratory; but quantum computation is such a young field, and the physics of it are so counterintuitive, that researchers are still developing the theoretical tools for thinking about it.
To better understand the physics of a quantum system of interacting particles, the researchers, from Austria, Canada and Germany, tried to work out how the changes a quantum system undergoes could be reproduced on a universal quantum computer. To do this, they looked for a quantum version of the classical Metropolis algorithm.
Named after the physicist Nicholas Metropolis, who was part of the group that came up with it, the Metropolis algorithm appeared in 1953 but didn't find practical use until the first computers arrived. The classical version of the Metropolis algorithm used stochastic maps that converged (over many iterations) to the equilibrium state.
For the quantum version of the Metropolis algorithm, the team used completely positive maps of probability amplitudes instead; although this did introduce a few problems along the way, notably the introduction of quantum phase transitions that may lead to inaccurate computations.
Nonetheless, the implementation of the new quantum algorithm could have far-reaching applications in the fields of chemistry, condensed matter and high energy physics, where until today the Schrödinger equation remains unsolved for complex systems of many interacting particles.
'Even though an implementation of this algorithm for full-scale quantum many-body problems may be out of reach with today's technological means, the algorithm is scalable to system sizes that are interesting for actual physical simulations,' claim the researchers.
Document of reference:Temme, K., et al. (2011) Quantum Metropolis sampling. Nature 471: 87-90. DOI: 10.1038/nature09770.
Gathered by: Sh.Barzanjeh(
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